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Land Acquisition Act 1894 Case Laws PLJ 2020 Peshawar 24

PLJ 2020 Peshawar 24 Land Acquisition Act 1894

PLJ 2020 Peshawar 24 Land Acquisition Act 1894, Ss. 4, 9(1), 9(3), 10, 11 & 18–Issuance of letter for acquisition of land–Construction of police lines–Issuance of notices to interested persons–Filling of objections–Rejected–Announcement of award–Filling of objection petitions–Assessment of market value–Appointment of local commission–Report of local commission–Reference was partially allowed–Enhancement of compensation amount–Filling of appeals–Appointment of fresh local commission–Recommendations of local commission–Case was remanded–Acceptance of reference–Determination of compensation–Challenge to–Compensation of land was determined keeping in view average one year sale in area in year 2010 when Notification under Section 4 of Act was issued, whereas award was announced on 13.02.2013 and possession was taken by respondents after award–Therefore, probable increase in land in said three years cannot be ignored–Carefully perused entire evidence and reached at conclusion keeping in view principle laid down by august Supreme Court of Pakistan that market rate compensation determined by learned Referee Court is correct and in accordance with law which does not call for interference–Appeal was dismissed.

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